Sancon is excited to announce that we achieved TWO MILLION person-hours worked without a lost-time accident
In June 2021, Sancon Commissioning passed a significant milestone in our Lost Time Incident-Free journey by exceeding two million person-hours worked. This milestone is confirmation that Sancon is dedicated to a core value of “Safety” while also completing our projects productively and efficiently. CEO Brian Douglas would like to thank and congratulate every employee at Sancon who worked so hard to make this possible.
“The success of Sancon’s safety program would not be possible without the dedication and participation of our leadership and site technicians. This achievement reflects their commitment to making safety a top priority every day. Congratulations, and thank you for your consistent safety attitude and dedication.”
– Devon Mackenzie, HSEQ Manager, Sancon
To celebrate the achievement, Sancon will be sending out jackets as a token of appreciation to all our employees who represent Sancon’s core value of safety at home, on the job, and everywhere we go.
“Sancon believes in a proactive approach to all aspects of work safety and incorporates constant employee engagement to provide the best working conditions for our personnel, subcontractors, and visitors across every worksite. Our project teams always do an impressive job of embracing a safe working culture, and everyone is to be congratulated for their efforts in keeping themselves and fellow team members safe year after year.”
Jon Evans, Chief Operations Officer, Sancon