Policy on Economic, Social and Governance Issues
Embracing Diversity, Equal Opportunities, Local Engagement and Indigenous Peoples
Sancon commits to effective practices and operations governing Community Social Responsibility, Diversity and Indigenous Engagement. The Sancon client base consists of large industrial project owners who have differing CSR, local and Indigenous Engagement requirements and strategies. This policy is developed to meet both client requirements and establish the principles on which Sancon will operate in the community. Sancon will strive to deliver Better Community Outcomes by embracing the challenge to building a culture that supports all our stakeholders.
“We will be a good neighbor, stewards of the environment, and respect the rights of indigenous peoples and partners of the communities in which we operate. We will foster growth and development for all who work for us and for all we impact in our daily activities.”
- Heinz Inabnit, Chief Development Officer
Sancon strives to foster Better Community Outcomes and to contribute positively to the communities in which it operates. Sancon recognizes the strength of diversity and the importance of local engagement, spending and hiring. Sancon strives to build a culture that is engaged, collaborative and diverse. We highly value competency and employee development while fostering a shared commitment to excellence. Our team seeks to build on the different skill sets, experiences, perspectives and backgrounds to create a problem-solving work environment that delivers better project outcomes. This engagement, diversity and passion empowers our team to bring real value to all our stakeholders, whether staff, the local community or our customers.
Sancon will adopt governance, human resource management and project management policies that reflect the diversity of the communities we operate in, seeks staff feedback and addresses the concerns and objectives of all stakeholders in carrying out our work.
This includes recognizing the diversity of Indigenous peoples and underserved communities who live where we work and operate. We understand that the history of Indigenous peoples in our operating areas has included social and economic exclusion, and Sancon recognizes the importance of reconciliation between Indigenous communities and broader society, as well as capacity building and sharing of economic benefits. Positive relationships with Indigenous peoples, based on mutual respect and focused on achieving common goals, will create constructive outcomes for Indigenous communities and for Sancon. Sancon commits to pursue sustainable relationships with Indigenous communities in our operational areas.
To achieve this, Sancon will govern itself by the following principles:
∙ We recognize the legal and constitutional rights possessed by Indigenous peoples, and the importance of the relationship between Indigenous peoples and their traditional lands and resources. We commit to working with Indigenous communities in a manner that recognizes and respects those legal and constitutional rights and the traditional lands and resources to which they apply, and we commit to ensuring that our projects and operations are carried out in an environmentally responsible manner.
∙ We will support the consultation with Indigenous peoples about our client projects and operations promoting processes that seek to achieve early and meaningful engagement so their input can help define the projects that may occur on lands traditionally occupied by Indigenous peoples.
∙ We commit to working with Indigenous peoples to achieve benefits for them resulting from our projects and operations, including opportunities in training and education, employment, procurement, business development, and community development.
∙ We will foster understanding of the history and culture of Indigenous peoples among Sancon employees and contractors, to create better relationships between its client base and Indigenous communities.
This commitment is a shared responsibility involving Sancon and its affiliates, employees, and contractors, and we will conduct business in a manner that reflects the above principles. Sancon will provide ongoing leadership and resources to ensure the effective implementation of the above principles, including the development of implementation strategies and specific action plans. These principles often apply equally to underserved and local communities and we will strive to foster the same inclusive culture for the diverse communities we serve.
Our business and culture rests on the foundation of our people. Safety and respect for the environment is always our top priority. Our education and training systems focus not only on competency development but on building a culture of safety and risk management. Our team is equally proud of its safety culture as it is of our quality of service. As we work in many jurisdictions, we pull from best practices to ensure we meet the highest standards in HSEQ. We maintain memberships in the primary 3rd party safety systems and strongly manage our ISO-registered quality system.
Sancon commits to periodically review this policy to ensure it remains relevant and meets changing expectations, as well as developing an action plan with defined activities, measurable outcomes and reporting.